Thursday, July 5, 2012

Episode 9: The Fattening Nutritionist

So since my nutritionist went and got into a horseback riding accident I am off to seek a new one for the next three weeks before I go to my one at school. Not my idea but it's what my therapist wants. Well here is how my ED saw it.

ED: You will not go see another nutritionist.
They will want you to eat more and more and you
won't have any control or say because they don't know you.
Me: But they all went to school. Why can't I trust a 
new nutritionist when I can trust my other two. 
ED: This one will be different. They won't know
you and your fat body and won't understand
how much you can balloon overnight. Plus, 
what if they make you go back on non-calorie
based meal plan. And what if they say no weighing again. 
Me: Simmer down. It's just for three weeks. It
can't do that much harm and they will just be doing
whatever they have been taught is best. I haven't
gone to school for this stuff so I guess I really shouldn't
be in control. 
ED: But they don't know you. Only you know you.
Plus, they can't be trusted. You don't know their motives. 
What if they just want to do rapid weight gain? What if 
they want you on high-fat? What if they make you completely
Me: What if you shut up and let me go to at least
one session before judging the person I haven't 
even met? 
ED: You've become defiant now. See where that 
gets you in life. You won't survive without me!

Me: No I won't survive with you so F*** off.

Then my lovely therapist recommended I go see the only other nutritionist she knows. This nutritionist happens to specialize in treating obesity and last time I saw her she let me start cross country after only being out of treatment for 2 weeks....boy did ED change his tune. 

ED: Maybe you are on to something. A nutritionist
can only help you. Call this lady. 
Me: What? You want me to go see a nutritonist. 
ED: Then you won't feel so guilty about eating 
low-fat and starting to exercise again. They will
see your love for running and cycling and who knows
maybe they will let you start it. 
Me: But that will mean more calories and I didn't
think you wanted that. 
ED: Well sometimes nutritionist take it slow and 
let you exercise first and change meal plans later. 
This nutritionist sounds great. She doesn't specialize
in ED but instead in people who need to lose weight. She
is a perfect fit for you. 
Me: I get it. Because you think I need to lose
weight I need to go see this lady. I mean I am going
to have to go see her because she is who the therapist
wants, but don't think you will control these sessions.
No way in heck will my school nutritionist let me keep 
exercising even if this lady does approve it. 
ED: Just make the call and let's go meet this 
lovely woman. We shall see how she is. 
Me: So wait what if she says no to the exercise and 
increases my meal plan like the others you
said would. 
ED: Then we will go see another one who fits you better. 
Me: Whatever. Keep telling yourself that. 
Ugh you are getting so freaking annoying. 

So I e-mailed the nutritionist to see if I can afford her and if she is available. I guess I will go see her I am just scared because I played her so easily before and I really do wanna get better. Oh's just contacting her and then its just one appointment. 

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