Sunday, July 15, 2012

Episode 11: A Cold Day in ED's Hell

Well I managed to give ED (and myself) a heart attack with a decision I made yesterday. First let's start with the fact that I stepped on the scale and had gained 2 lbs in two days. Add to that the fact that I had decided to skip a day of weighing and ED went crazy.

ED: See this is what happens when you don't weigh
yourself. You balloon.
Me: No, this is what happens when you
don't poop for two days. Jumping on the scale
yesterday wouldn't have changed anything. 
ED: Would have actually because you could
have cut back yesterday to prevent such a drastic 
gain. Now you are going to have to only have one
thing to eat for the whole day. 
Me: Sure every fiber of my being wants to
not eat right now, but I need to. How 
else am I going to poo and how else am
I going to have energy today. My body needs
food. Plus, my parents aren't gonna let me not eat.
ED: Then you will just keep ballooning. 
You are a disgusting excuse for a human. 
Me: Yes, I feel disgusting right now and 
I am scared this will happen. But I am scared
more of dissapointing my family or 
dying or fainting. I can prevent those by eating. Plus
I don't even know for sure this is real weight and 
the only way to find out is stick to my plan. 
ED: That sounds like the stupidest idea ever and
the surest way to get fat.
Me: Well then I am stupid and fat, but I will
be happy and alive so  F*** off.

It took me 4 hours after the weigh-in to actually eat, but I did it. This torment continued for most of the day till I met with my new accountability partner. I was real honest with her and left so motivated I decided I needed to stop cutting back portions, but first I decided to see how bad it was and realized (through backtracking and relogging past days) that I had been skimping a significant number of calories. This freaked me out as I, prompted by ED, cut myself down about gaining on such a small amount. Then I shared my thoughts with some people and realized it was because I was shutting down my metabolism yet again by eating too little. So I went a little crazy researching and decided to increase my calories till I got to 2500 (this will be gradual). I was supposed to be doing that many anyway, but restricted when I lost my nutritionist, and always restricted portions. Well, increasing calories when you are gaining doesn't sit so well with ED. 

ED: What the fuck has come over you?
Do you want to become a fat ass? Do you
want to balloon?
Me: No, I want to repair my metabolism and
in order to do that I have to eat more. It's like
putting wood in a fire. If you don't put enough in 
the fire dies away, but if you put in enough and 
keep "feeding" it the fire will roar. Food is the wood 
and my metabolism is the fire. I don't want
to have to restrict the rest of my life. 
ED: Then you need to lose more weight because you
are going to gain a lot fast doing this. 
Me: I will do it gradually and will adjust if needed, 
but I can't lose anymore. I don't even know what
that would entail calorie and health-wise. I don't 
want to restrict and gain anymore eating too little.
It's time to start now. I am scared shitless to gain
but hey that's already happening anyway.
ED: You know how big you are going to be. Prob
gain 10 lbs a week and be fat by next week. 
Me: Well most of that will be water weight.
Sure the research showed significant gains, but
it was all water weight and only when people
did a drastic increase, but I am gonna do it
more gradual. And if it doesn't work 
then I can always go back to my old ways and 
lose the weight. 
ED: Nope it will be too late then. You will be
too fat. Why are you undoing all your hard work.
Me: Hard work is fighting you. Restricting had
become such a trap and way of life that it was easy.
So now I am doing the hard work and
now I am strong. Preety soon 
my metabolism will be as well. So peace out.

ED kept going the whole day but I am happy to report I have been increasing and getting right portions for the past two days and I actually have dropped some of the water weight so I am happy. I am scared, but I will keep fighting and as always will keep you posted. And don't worry....ED will be a frequent to the studio. I honestly thought hell would have to ice over before I would decide and want to not restrict portions and definitely before I increased when I was gaining. Well, I guess hell better get some jackets. 

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